Friday, May 29, 2020


Beijing's CCTV building lends an argyle je ne sais quoi.  However, the irregular web of rebar lattice poses an interesting dichotomy to Mies van der Rohe's rhythmic steel grid used at the Seagram Building.  In this case, the tighter gauge of the tartan at the entrances are fantastic as they instantly ground the occupier of the space against the magnitude of the structure. 

Saturday, May 16, 2020

tepidarium redux

The Mycenaean built The Lion Gate around 13BC to provide a formal gateway from the countryside into the citadel.  In it's simplest form, it was a vast wall with one square opening. 

The physical characteristics of this pool house suggest that it's lineage began in Greece.  Working as a functional threshold, the structure also weaves the landscape with the pool area via it's materiality.  Soil horizon-like veins are translated through the reclaimed wood panels, which abbreviate to sensationally frame the landscape.